Canada’s Comparative Economic Advantage In 2021 and Beyond

At 1pm on November 12th, we will dive into a discussion on Canada’s Comparative Economic Advantage in 2021 and Beyond. Roughly one week after the US election, it could be a turbulent time in the US. Our guests will take stock of the current political situation and project what it means for Canada immediately and into the future.

We have lined-up a dynamo team for this discussion: Heather Scoffield, Ottawa Bureau Chief and Economics Columnist at the Toronto Star will interview Michael Wernick, Former Clerk of the Privy Council.

Heather’s writing focuses on the political economy and its effects on people. Her career spans 27-years in journalism, covering monetary and fiscal policy, economics, trade policy, social policy, aboriginal affairs, environment and energy, and several different political parties.

Michael Wernick retired in 2019 after a 38-year career as one of the key leaders of Canada’s world class federal public service, which culminated in his appointment in 2016 as the 23rd Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to Cabinet. As Clerk, he helped the Prime Minister and his new government implement its agenda. Michael is without a doubt one of the premier policy minds in Canada and has an excellent global perspective.

In this conversation, there will be no limits on the questions Heather will pose of Michael. If you have a question you’d like to ask in advance, e-mail and we will work it into the conversation.

If you would like to register for this session, Melissa will be happy to help!